Thursday, December 31, 2009

Giving the Gift of Christmas

We walk in a rocky world. Christmas though, gives us an excellent reason to discuss Christ and His love for us. This year I took a leap and decided to give a gift that would show the love of Christ to my workgroup.

This year I began following the Advent Conspiracy group. The idea behind this group is to buy less, give more. I think this is a fabulous idea. What better gift is there than the gift of salvation. They have a fabulous charity that you can give from. Living Water’s goal is to help Christmas change the world.

On their website you can donate a minimum of $5, and print out a gift card and greeting card to give the gift with. The best part of this is that the recipient can go and choose which project they would like their money to go to.

Here is a video from the Living Water ministry.

Christmas [is] changing the world from Living Water International on Vimeo.

I encourage you to support this cause and it’s a great gift to give!

While this might seem a little late for Christmas, now is a perfect time to look back and get some perspective on how your Christmas went this year. I think that the ideals of the Advent Conspiracy group are fantastic, but I also feel that the seeds for something like this should be sown at the beginning of the year, and followed throughout. Please see their promo video below and join me in making a difference this year.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am blessed

Image0202 I haven’t posted anything for a while. Sorry about that. Right now, I have about 5 posts started, but none finished. There are so many things I am learning and want to say, but I just can’t seem to conclude any of them yet.

What I can say. I am truly blessed. Many of our friends have mentioned that we have a good life. We have had our share of struggles. When we were first married D didn’t have a job, and I had a long commute by train everyday, then we spent a few years on separate shifts…But through it all, we truly do have a good life. With Christmas approaching, I wanted to let everyone in a little secret. It’s all in your perception.

If I am a good person, do I deserve a nice house, a nice car, evenings out to dinner, and a good paying job? NOPE!

What about the basics…do I deserve food on the table, clothing, and a job, any job. NOPE!

Here’s the kicker! As sinners we do not deserve any of the provisions that God has given us.  Yet He provides for us everyday! God loves us, and we know it!

It’s so easy to get trapped in the “fairness” of life.

My God is a great God. He has given me my job, my money, my house, my husband, my son, my dog, my car my my MY…But it is all HIS.

Lord, help me to remember that it is all yours, and I am but a steward. Help me to seek Your will in all matters and thank You for every provision you give.

Thank you always.