So it's been a while since my last post. So many things have changed. Lydia has been diagnosed, she has Zellweger's Syndrome. She has now been given only weeks to live. This does not deter my prayers though. For a little bit it was a huge hit for me, and I'm sure for her parents. As for praises though, she has finally been allowed to come home. If you would like more info about this situation, go to
Tonight Dan and I decided to sit down and finally take some time to meet with God. This time to listen. We used the Principles to Apply for Effective Intercession that we learned back in our DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM ( We had intended to sit down and do this, but I also received some encouragement from my friend Rachel, who coincidentally, is doing the School of Intercessory Prayer with YWAM right now.
For those of you not familiar with these rules, they are a fantastic and biblically based way to prepare your hearts for meeting with God and listening to what He would like you to pray.
1. Praise the Lord for who He is and for the marvelous privilege that He has given us to take part in His ministry. (Heb. 7:24) Praise Him for the fact that through prayer and intercession He allows us to cooperate with Him in resolving the problems of this world and of man.
2. Make very sure you heart is clean before God, by having given the Holy Spirit time to convict, should there be an unconfessed sin. (Ps. 66:18) (See also, Ps. 139:23-24)
3. Acknowledge that you really can’t pray without the direction and energy of the Holy Spirit. (Ro. 8:26)
4. Deal aggressively with the enemy. Come against him in the all-powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the “Sword of the Spirit”, the word of God. (James 4:7 & Eph. 6:17)
5. Die to your own imaginations, desires and burdens for what you feel you should pray. (Prov. 3:5-6, Prov. 28:26 & Isa. 55:8)
6. Praise Him now in faith for the remarkable prayer meeting that you’re going to have. He is a remarkable God and will do something consistent with His character. Ask God to speak to you by His Spirit and thank Him for doing so. (Eph. 5:18 & Heb.11:6)
7. Now wait in silent expectancy, listening for His direction. (Ps. 62:5, Micah 7:7 & Ps. 81:11-13)
8. In obedience express what God has brought to your mind. (John 10:27) Make sure you don’t move on to the next subject until you have given God time to discharge all He wants to say to you regarding this particular burden, especially when praying in a group. (Ps. 32:8)
9. Always have your bible with you should God want to give direction or confirming from it. (Ps. 119:105)
10. When God ceases to bring things to your mind to pray for, finish by praising and thanking Him for all that He’s done reminding yourself “For from Him and through Him are ALL things” and that means the Glory. (Ro. 11:36) Amen.
Dan and I wanted to listen to whatever God had in store for us, and not limit Him to the things we would like to hear about. We were hoping to hear if I should stay home with our new child, or go back to work, and also something for little Lydia.
Dan saw a spiritual battle with a christian flag, with a feeling to pray agains demons. He also saw a castle with a christian flag and a feeling of victory. He also saw a castle gate. He asked God to reveal something to me, if this was what we were to pray about.
My quiet time with God was much more scattered. Initally I had the vision of a bridge, which I felt was linked to my staying home situation. I rationalized this that I should go back to work, and that would bridge the time until I could stay home. But I am still seeking more direction on this.
Next I was confessing my fears that I feel for our son, and not trusting that God is control of his life when my mind flashed over to praying that Lydia would be filled with oxygen.
Next my mind jumped through bunches of people, landing on our nephew Noah.
Lastly I asked God to give me a bible verse that related to what He wanted us to pray, and to also confirm these prayers with Dan.
God gave me Isaiah 26:2 which says "Open the gates That the righteous nation may enter The nation that keeps the faith"
The verse that God gave me definitely lines up with what Dan thought God wanted him to pray for. Lydia's prayer was very clear for me. We are seeking clarification on the prayer for the bridge and Noah.
This was a fantastic time of prayer for Dan and I. I am so glad we were able to make the time to sit down with God. We want to do this WAAAY more often and I will keep you updated as to the progress of these prayers, our prayer times, and our relationships with God.
Please feel free to head over to my friend's blog, she is an amazing prayer warrior
This is only a test
7 years ago